Surf Wood for Good
15 JUNE 2022 - 06 JULY 2022Notes
The Happy Series
The Happy Series... Be Happy Choose Happy. The Happy series created during the 2020/2021 Pandemic highlights the need for positive thought and action during these uncertain times.
The world is in a very unsettled time with many of those around us suffering and struggling to cope with the unprecedented turn of events of the past year. Both financially and physically the world seems at breaking point.
The Happy Series is just a small gesture in these times intended to lift the viewers mood. The pieces signify hope light-heartedness and brightness. The veritable light at the end of this long dark tunnel. Large naive shapes, colourful blurs and abstract mark making symbolise dopamine levels and the influence of music and visual arts on mood. The brushstroke emulating both freedoms and looseness with and underlying structure some more dense with feeling than others. The art aims to bring awareness to the need of positivity and happiness in the darkest of times alighting to the glimmer of hope and unwavering sense that everything is going to be OK.
This was the general theme for all of the artworks, primarily finding hope and positivity in dark times. All the artworks were painted listening to music and Sammy loves how it also influences her work. The individual pieces didn’t have their own story just one uniting across all of the happy series.
Sam Little
Surfer and artist from Devon, ex-design director for Adidas North America living in Oregon for five years, and ex-senior designer for Roxy/Quiksilver France. Obsessed by the sea, I based my career around the places that inspired me, most recently living in Byron Bay with my little girl, now back in the South West UK as a full time mother and artist.
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