Studio Sale | Olivia Mansfield
26 JUNE 2022 - 13 JULY 2022, Ended 12:00 PM (UK time)A Studio Sale of works of art direct from the studio of artist Olivia Mansfield.
Olivia’s paintings are figments of fantastical imaginary worlds. They exist almost as portals, as arching doorways to fragmented realms which allude to and echo our own existence. Ethereal visions approach you with beguiling, unravelling narratives, bringing together splayed and mystical perceptions of a familiar yet altogether fictional place.
The intuitive process allows Olivia to engage deeply with the forms manifesting within the work. Orphic symbols oscillate in sacred shrines, warm ashy earth is tracked with muddied feet. Witness her exploration of expressive flora and fauna, foreshadowed by brooding, atmospheric skies. Spy saplings and seedlings, visions of explosive, abundant new life emerging, blossoming, thriving from within the distinct and unique manipulation of the paint.
Her work has its roots in classical and historical painting, iconography, theology, ancient cultures, religion, ritual and symbolism. Themes of myth, legend and folklore intertwine vividly with the celestial, botanical, almost sci-fi like imagery with which she plays. Reference to melting, oozing land masses and bizarre formations in earth and stone lure the viewer into where there is a revered recognition that life, creation, death, destruction, rejuvenation and rebirth have all occurred.
Recently Olivia’s focus has begun to shift into exploring a more figurative and bodily image within her practice. These grand beings move, morph, cradle and caress within the abstract structures of her gestural and emotive landscapes. Questioning the human condition, our relationships, our strengths, weaknesses and our palpable vulnerability within our ever-changing environment.
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3. Olivia Mansfield
Out Of The Morning Mistpainting , 21 x 15 x 1 cm.
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6. Olivia Mansfield
I, Said The SparrowPainting , 22 x 16 x 2 cm.
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7. Olivia Mansfield
Blooms in the Brackenpainting, 15 x 26 x 2 cm.
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11. Olivia Mansfield
A Fig Which Tastes, As Though Poisonpainting , 32 x 13 x 1 cm.
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12. Olivia Mansfield
In The Damp and MossPainting, 30 x 22 x 1 cm.
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15. Olivia Mansfield
If Helios Could See Me Nowpainting, 26 x 31 x 1 cm.
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16. Olivia Mansfield
Amongst The Daughters of The Eveningpainting, 31 x 41 x 1 cm.
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18. Olivia Mansfield
We Came Here To Healpainting, 23 x 31 x 1 cm.
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25. Olivia Mansfield
Sitting in The Long GrassPainting, 15 x 15 x 2 cm.
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28. Olivia Mansfield
Last Tears of The Morning StarPainting, 15 x 15 x 4 cm.