Spring Clean for War Child

24 APRIL 2024 - 16 MAY 2024
James Walsh -1 3 - James Walsh James Walsh - 4 James Walsh - 2
James Walsh -1
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50. James Walsh

Original Shirt

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Spring Clean for War Child (50/59)


“I'm very pleased to donate the Paul & Joe shirt I wore in the video for ‘Silence Is Easy’ as a small contribution to Warchild's ‘Springclean’ auction. I've always been a big supporter of the work Warchild do for children affected by war & conflict around the world from the iconic ‘Help’ album back in 1995 to the first release Starsailor appeared on ‘1 love’ in 2002. I think recording the video and reacting to the people in the line up is the closest I've come to ”acting" in my long career" 
- James Walsh

Kindly donated by James Walsh

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