Art on a Postcard International Women’s Day Auction - Curated by AOAP
27 FEBRUARY 2024 - 12 MARCH 2024Notes
I find inspiration almost anywhere but particularly in nature. Whether it’s the power of the sea, the wind through a grove of bamboo, sunlight through a canopy, the detail and structure of a leaf... There’s so much beauty around us, both the big views and the details, I’m in awe of it. I try to capture the mood, the wonder, the feeling of being there, the elements perhaps less visible with a passing glance. I have always loved design, creating things, and sometimes work collaboratively to solve a design brief for artwork specific to a project. Mostly though I work alone inspired by the beauty in nature, often with my own creative enquiries: How to express the rain? or the wind as it blows sand along a sea drenched beach... as it makes botanical shadows dance on a wall. How to express the movement of a wave, or the still timeless eternity of a mountain. There’s inspiration everywhere.
You must not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit any works. In doing so, you endanger our relationships with artists, and directly jeopardise the charitable work we do.
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